Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cabin Fever...

What's up with the constant deluge of rains over the past's been tough keeping the toddler in the house occupied and the grand parents have been itching to go for their regular morning walks...everyone was restless...yearning for some warmth and sunshine and all we got was the constant rumblings of the thunder clouds, the sharp chill and the pitter patter of the water against the windows.
I got up in the morning and dragged myself to my Yoga class in the pouring rain and it definitely helped me balance after a couple inversions, pigeons and intense backbends. A quick stop at the Whole Foods for some Juice Boxes, Organic Hummus, Tortilla Wraps and Chicken Broth and I had a brilliant cure for Cabin Fever - IKEA (yeah! you say Mall...I say IKEA).
We decided to skip lunch and eat at the famous (infamous?) swedish bistro...a greek salad and poached salmon later we trundled our way through the maze...our two notable buys are pictured below...

A very delicate looking lamp for our living room -

A combination easel with a blackboard and white board for the toddler
Of course who can leave IKEA without consuming their $1 non-fat yogurt (cold be damned!) and the calorific cinnamon buns.  I made another batch of muesli to tide us over for a couple breakfasts and the MIL make hot utthapams (lentil and rice pancakes) for dinner. We have kept the cabin fever at bay today...but  tomorrow is another day...
How has your weekend been thus far?

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