Friday, October 29, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things…

My biggest learning for 2010 is that- All things in life are transitional…be it happiness or sorrow, success or failure, likes or dislikes…and while some of the oldies forever are ingrained on your senses…you do develop a few more favorites…food and TV kinds are the ones I am talking about here...

A hot bowl of pho on a fall night…I had a bowl of Pho Ga yesterday at a hole in the wall Vietnamese spot that warmed me to the core…chicken soup for the soul.

An episode of Mentalist…I have booked the Season 1 from my public library and intend to have a TV marathon run this weekend complete with a hot cup of tea and pop corn…

A dollop of  frozen yogurt with a lot of boba (what is boba you ask - a translucent  pearl filled with juice -my favorite flavor passion fruit)…my favorite is a small place called Orange Tree in the Great Mall, Milpitas

A big plate of greens (weird right!)…my favorite Chinese spinach seasoned with Oyster Sauce

A hot cup of Zhena’s Gypsy Tea  which is also organic and fair trade…favorite flavor…Red Lavender with a small piece of the chocolate I am raving about below…

A piece of Organic Meltdown Dark Chocolate...not only is it fair trade but buying one bar of chocolate saves one when you feel like a glutton for eating an entire bar of chocolate you can ALSO feel virtuous that you did it for a tree...

What are some of your favorite things?

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