Friday, April 3, 2009

Creativity Unleashed...

When I was on maternity leave about 30 months back, it was life changing, exhilirating and also mind numbingly boring. Imagine going from 14 hour work days to almost no brain work...when my baby went to sleep (which was a lot)...I travelled the world and visited my friends through their blogs. During one such blog hop, I discovered a poetry competition that had been organized and I got hooked. Every week we were given a couple words and we had to come up with a poem around those words. The words for the first competition were - Changeling…Fury…Paramount…Aphrodisiac…Tantalizing…Shroud…Weave…Engage...and Empower. I was very creative as a young girl but lost it somewhere along the way...this was my first effort at poetry (rusty with 10 years of disuse)...


Looking at me with huge longing eyes was this wee changeling...

Standing half drenched in the fury that the skies had unleashed...

Her hair unkempt, her body so thin that the ribs one could count.

I looked away from that barely shrouded picture of poverty...

She showed me a glimpse of a world I did not want to see.


Weaving her way unsteadily to me,

She stared at prosperity a tantilizing bait of things unknown

Yet paramount in her was the need to survive,

Looking in through the windows of my fancy car,

She implored with her expressive eyes..and I drove away...

Leaving behind a trail of dirt.


Money... my ultimate aphrodisiac,

Why should I engage in this fruitless battle with my conscience,

When I could empower my capitalistic self to multiply,

In my world, there is no time for pity....

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